Long Term Preventive Maintenance – Why it’s Important
If you've owned a modern vehicle for even a few years now, then you've likely been in a situation when servicing your vehicle and asked if you'd like to flush the vehicle's coolant, or brake fluid, or power steering fluid and wondered why it needed to be done. You...

Breaking News ….. CT CHEAPR Program receives new funding to spur Electric Vehicle sales in Connecticut
New Canaan, CT - December 15, 2016 The Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate program, known as CHEAPR, has just received a new round of funding that should keep this consumer friendly program sustainable through most of 2017. This pilot...

Leo Karl Corner 12/14/16
In this episode of the Leo Karl Corner, Leo talks about how much Chevrolet, as a brand, has improved over the years and how it's beginning to give other vehicle manufacturers a run for their money.

What is the California ZEV State Mandate and why does it matter to Connecticut?
Vehicle emissions standards are not a sexy cocktail party conversation topic these days, but they could be soon. Over the coming months and years, Connecticut residents will learn more and more about vehicle emissions standards. Why? Special provisions in the Clean...

UPDATE: Connecticut CHEAPR EV Rebate Program – Act now while funds still available
New Canaan, CT - November 4, 2016 The CT CHEAPR program (short for Connecticut Hydrogen and Electric Automobile Purchase Rebate) has been accelerating the adaption rate of Electric Vehicles by Connecticut drivers. As of today, this pilot program has enough...
5 Reasons Electric Vehicle Shoppers should visit Karl Chevrolet in New Canaan, Connecticut
If you have ever considered an Electric Vehicle, or were just curious to learn more about one first hand, you may have visited a local dealership. If your experience was like many consumers, you may have quickly learned that not all dealers are alike! In fact, a...
Leo Karl Corner
In this episode of the Leo Karl Corner, our President and GM discusses the benefits of purchasing a new, used, or certified pre-owned vehicle. If you're in the market, be it for yourself, your family, children, etc... this video was made for YOU!

How to Buy a Pre Owned Chevrolet Suburban
Since its inception in 1935 the Chevrolet Suburban has been the longest running automobile nameplate in production. It started life as a large steel bodied wagon built on the frame of a pickup truck, and that combination is still used today. Though, as you might...

The Importance of Vehicle Alignment
Many Chevrolet service customers ask why alignment is important and why having one performed once a year is a small investment to make in the future of your vehicle. Your vehicle's alignment is based on a geometric shape, and as long as the "shape" retains its...

The History of Karl Chevrolet – Leo Karl Corner