December 24, 2011  –  New Canaan, CT

We want to extend a big THANK YOU to all of our customers and friends who supported our 30th Annual KARL Chevrolet Toys for Tots Campaign.  With the challenging economy affecting many families, the need for toys remains high – and once again this year you proved that the Heart and Spirit of the Season is alive and well in our community.  Because of your generosity, hundreds, even thousands, of area children were able to wake up on Christmas morning to find a toy or two under their tree and know that someone cares.  THANK YOU for making a difference in the life of a deserving child.

Pictured are KARL Chevrolet teammembers Beth Karl and Donna Strout on one of the many delivery trips we took to the Stamford CT Toys for Tots distribution headquarters.  Both Beth and Donna were instrumental in our collection efforts this year and we thank them – along with George Ducanic’s great team of USMN volunteers!  Also a specail THANK YOU to BLT Management who generously donated warehouse and office space to the Stamford Toys for Tots Campaign.  

THANK YOU to everyone who donated, organized, sorted or delivered toys this year.  It takes many hands to pull off such a tremendous effort and we say thanks to each and every person who helped.

We wish you and your family a very Joyous Christmas Season and all of our best for Peace, Health and Prosperity in the New Year!