- $50 will be contributed to local scholarship programs for each new or Certified Pre-Owned vehicle sold or leased at KARL Chevrolet HUMMER from April 1-May 10, 2010
- $80,000 has been raised for area scholarships since KARL’s annual drive started in 1986
- Scholarship recipients selected by participating schools
NEW CANAAN, CT — (April 1, 2010) — KARL Chevrolet HUMMER will launch its twenty fifith Annual High School Scholarship Promotion this week, pledging to contribute $50 to area scholarship programs this spring in the name of each individual or business purchasing or leasing a new or Certified Pre-owned vehicle from April 1 – May 10, 2010.
Since 1986 KARL Chevrolet HUMMER’s scholarship drives have raised nearly $80,000 for area high school graduates for their continuing education.
“As a leading business in the area, we feel it’s important to be actively involved in the communities that support us. The Scholarship Drive has become a signature event for us over the past twenty-five years, and we’re delighted that we are able to make a significant contribution to help area students again this year,” Mr. Karl commented. “With a daughter in college myself, I know first hand that tuition increases continue to outpace the rate of inflation. This fact simply magnifies the need for every dollar that will make a difference to students who need assistance. We believe our customers are gratified to know that their purchase has helped our graduates further their education,” he added.
Schools participating in the KARL Scholarship program — New Canaan, Darien, Stamford, Westhill, Norwalk, Brien McMahon and Greenwich High Schools — are asked to use a student’s commitment to and involvement in both school and community volunteer activities as a factor for awarding the scholarships, Mr. Karl said. This criterion matches the Karl family’s own commitment to community service. All scholarships are administered by the local schools.
Founded in 1927, the KARL Company operates the award-winning, customer-focused Chevrolet HUMMER Dealership and Certified Pre-owned Cadillac franchise at 261 Elm Street in New Canaan, one block west of the Metro North train station. KARL Automotive Service of Greenwich, which services all makes and models, is located at 1330 East Putnam Avenue, just off I-95 exit 5. To reach KARL Automotive Service of Greenwich, call (203) 637-1711 or e-mail KarlAutoSvc@karldirect.com. Visit the KARL Dealership on the Internet at www.karldirect.com, read its blog at www.karldirect.com/blog, follow it on Twitter at www.twitter.com/karlchevy, or call KARL Chevrolet at 966-9508 or toll-free at 1-800-321-KARL; call HUMMER by KARL toll-free at 1-877-8HUMMER.